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Helen Jackson

Money Writer

Helen is a content writer and specialises in financial writing. She tackles blogs, guides, and website content for us here at Capalona.

Helen has nine years of experience in content writing, has a BA (Hons) in English, and a Level 6 marketing qualification with the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Connect with Helen Jackson below, or meet the rest of our authors.

Articles by Helen Jackson

How to conduct market research: a beginner’s guide

If you’re keen to conduct market research but do not know where to start, this guide is for you.

Why do businesses fail?

We look at common reasons so many businesses fail early in trading, including guidance on preventing an avoidable business failure.

A guide to leverage and gearing ratios

Learn about the differences between leverage and gearing ratios, the formulas for both and how they’re useful for your business.

How to calculate VAT

Learn about what is VAT in the UK, including how to calculate value-added tax for payments and invoices and how much to pay for VAT returns.

Price elasticity of demand explained

Learn about the meaning of Price Elasticity of Demand, including the formula to calculate it and examples of its use.

Small business finance trends 2024

We take a look at some interesting statistics in business loans over 2024, including loan amounts and which business types are seeking the most loans.

Soft business loans: what are they, and how can you get one?

Find out more about what are soft loans for businesses, including what soft business loan options there are and how you can obtain one.

How to deregister for VAT

Find out if your business is eligible to deregister for VAT in the UK, how to complete the deregistration process, and the steps involved.

Your guide to APR

See here to learn about annual percentage rate, including what it is, and how it works for you and your business.

What is liquidity in business?

See here to learn about the definition and process of liquidation in business, and to understand liquidity and how to measure this.

A quick guide to VAT numbers

See here for a complete guide to VAT numbers, including definitions and how to find a company’s VAT number online.

Hire purchase in business explained

We take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hire purchase in business, and how it may benefit your business.

How to register and pay for VAT

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to registering for VAT and paying VAT online. We’ve put together a simple guide to help.

What is a community interest company (CIC)?

Seeking to benefit the community around them, Community Interest Companies have been growing in popularity over the years.

Common reasons people start a business

Why do individuals start businesses? Despite the late nights and stress, there are many reasons to run your own business.

Personality traits of successful business owners

What makes a successful entrepreneur? We take a look at the most commonly known personality traits of great business owners.

How to do a SWOT analysis for your business

We take you through the steps of conducting a business SWOT analysis, including examples and what to do when your analysis is complete.

How to successfully run a petrol station business

We take a look at how to start your very own Petrol Station Business, and how to keep it running successfully.

How to start a scaffolding business

We take a look at the information you need to know before starting your very own Scaffolding business in the UK, including finance options.

Differences between personal and business loans

We take a look at the differences between personal and business loans, including which are cheaper and how they can be used.

What is a fixed charge?

We take a look at what are fixed charges, how they differ from floating charges and calculating fixed charge coverage ratios.

What is a County Court Judgement?

We take a look at County Court Judgements, delve into what they are, what the process is and how it can affect your ability to get a business loan.

What is the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB)?

What is the national association of commercial finance brokers? We explain what the NACFB is and why we’re members.

How to calculate corporation tax

Learn more about corporation tax, including how to calculate and forecast it for your business.

What is a floating charge?

A floating lien or charge is a debt held over assets that can change as the business changes.

How to calculate capital employed

The capital employed equation involves knowing your total assets and current liabilities. Learn how to calculate capital employed here.

Inspirational quotes for small business owners

Business owners sometimes need to ignite passion. Read our motivational quotes for small business owners to help stay inspired in your business journey.

Your guide to internal and external sources of finance

We uncover the difference between internal and external sources of finance. Read our guide on internal and external sources of finance for more information.

Alternatives to a business bank overdraft

Do you want to avoid using business bank overdraft? From business credit cards to loans, discover some of the alternatives to a business bank overdraft here.

How to get legal support when starting a business

When needed, it’s important to know the right places to look when seeking business legal advice. Learn how to get the right business legal support here.

Sole Trader vs Limited Company: which one is right for me?

We take a look at the differences between Sole Trading and Limited Companies, which one could be best for you and the pros and cons of both.

How to end a contract with a client

Ending a client contract can have consequences if not done properly. See here for help on ending a contract with a client whilst reducing risk.

How can business activity affect the environment?

Businesses must consider the impact of their operations on the environment from waste to materials. Understand how businesses affect the environment here.

Guide to business loan interest rates

It’s vital to understand business loan interest rates when obtaining finance for your business. We explain what business loan rates are and how they work…

Our guide to business support services

Knowing the different types of business support services can help your business thrive. Discover the different types of business support available.

The best ways to motivate employees

Employee motivation & engagement are important if you want your business to flourish. Discover the best ways to motivate employees in the workplace here.

How does Islamic finance work?

Islamic finance is based on a belief that money shouldn't have any value in itself. Discover the principles of islamic finance & how it works.

Where to get business money advice

Knowing where to go for business money help or advice can be confusing, so we’ve put together some guidance on where to look.

How to get a business loan

Interested in getting a business loan but don’t know where to start? We’ve put together a guide on how to secure a business loan.

How to do a cash flow forecast for your business

A business cash flow forecast is a plan that shows how much money your business is expected to receive and payout.

What is business risk and how to minimise it

Business risks are internal and external factors that can affect profit. Understand what business risk is with tips for minimising risk in business.

How to write a contract between two parties

Whilst a contract is a legally binding document, writing a contract doesn’t need to be difficult. Learn how to write a business contract agreement here.

A guide to open banking

We help you to understand what Open Banking is, whether Open Banking is safe, and the different ways Open Banking can benefit you.

How to buy a company name

Choosing, claiming and buying a company name needn’t be complicated. In this article, we explain how to secure your wanted name for your company.

How to improve cash flow

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, regardless of size. So, if you’re just starting out or you already run an established SME, this blog will give you some tips on managing cash flow effectively.

Business Credit Cards: How do they work?

If you’re considering applying for a business credit card, learn all about how they work, if their rewards are taxable, what you can spend them on, how to apply and more below.

The ultimate guide to starting a business

We’ve provided a thorough guide to starting a business, including essential steps and tips to help make it a success.

How to manage your business finances

Finance management doesn’t need to be complicated, learn how to manage business finances by following Capalona’s small business finance guide.

A guide to employment management

Understand what employment management is and why it is important for your business. This guide will seek to help you get the best from your employees.

Invoice discounting advantages and disadvantages

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of invoice discounting and decide whether it is the right financing option for you.

Angel Investors Explained

Angel Investors are private investors who finance small businesses in exchange for equity. Discover how to find an Angel Investor today.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Factoring

We take a look at what Debt Factoring is, why it could be useful for you, and what are the advantages and disadvantages.

How to choose a bank for your small business

Struggling to know how to choose the business bank account for you? Read our useful tips & find the best small business bank accounts with Capalona.

How to complete a self-assessment when self-employed

Paying taxes as self-employed doesn't need to be complicated, know the self-employed taxes deadline & how to pay your self-employed taxes with Capalona.

How to start a successful dog walking business

Wondering how to start a dog-walking business? Starting a dog walking business doesn’t have to be complicated, follow our dog walking business tips today!

Everything you need to know about being self-employed

Capalona discusses everything you need to know about being self-employed, from self-employment insurance to tax requirements & more.

Everything you need to know about Annual Investment Allowance

We explain annual investment allowance, highlighting what AIA allowance is, what qualifies for annual investment allowance and how it works.

How to market your business

Social Media, PR & Search strategies can take your business to the next level. Discover the best ways to market your business with a limited budget today!

How to write an invoice

Invoice writing can be tricky, so learn how to write an invoice with Capalona today by following our simple steps.

How to make your business more eco-friendly

See here for Eco-Friendly business ideas, from cleaning products to best practices, we have ideas to help you reduce your impact on the planet.

How to calculate net cash flow (including formulas)

Knowing what net cash flow is & how to calculate net cash flow is important to ensure that your business is healthy. Use our net cash flow formula here.

What are debtors and creditors?

Here we help to explain the differences between debtors and creditors and how to manage these parts of running a business.

How to find investors for small businesses

Understand the types of investors for small businesses available and follow our tips on how to find one.

How to get a government grant

Wondering how to get a government grant for your start up or established business? We explain the process of obtaining business government grants.

How to calculate working capital

Working capital is calculated by taking a company’s current assets & deducting current liabilities. Know how to calculate working capital with Capalona

How to choose the right business loan

Looking for a small business loan? Before you apply, understand the different loan types available. Capalona helps you choose the right business finance option.

How to buy commercial property at auction

Understand how to buy commercial property in the UK at auctions with Capalona. We discuss everything you need to know when buying commercial property.

How to start a buy to let business

Thinking of starting a buy-to-let business? We discuss how to start a buy to let business on the right foot. Find out more here…

Buy now, pay later for businesses

Grow your business sales with buy now pay later solutions. Understand why you should use buy now, pay later for your business & how to choose a provider…

Business loans from family and friends

Borrowing business loans from family members & friends can be complex. We discuss how to borrow money & loan agreements between family members.

What is full expensing?

From 2023- March 2026, companies are able to claim 100% capital allowances on some plant & machinery investments. Find out more about full expensing.

Funding support for black-owned businesses

We celebrate & encourage minority owned businesses by providing secured & unsecured loans. Discover companies that support black owned businesses here.

What is a Director's Loan?

We take a look at what is a Director's loan, how Director’s loans work, and the benefits and limitations of this financial approach.

Sorodo donates to Hope House Ty Gobaith Children’s Hospice

Sorodo Limited has become the first 2023 Business Champion for Hope House Ty Gobaith Children’s Hospice by donating £1,500 making us a "Bronze Champion"

What is Debt Financing?

We take a look at what debt financing is, its advantages and disadvantages, and the types of debt financing available. Find out more here.

What is Equity Finance?

Equity finance is the process of raising capital through the sales of shares in your business. To understand equity financing in detail, read more here.

How to buy a business

Sometimes, buying an existing business can be a great way into business ownership — you don’t have to start from scratch. But before you take the leap, there are some things you should know.

What is a Sole Trader?

We provide everything you need to know about Sole Traders, including the advantages and disadvantages of becoming one.

What is an invoice? (and how to invoice your clients)

Our invoice guide helps you to understand what an invoice is, the different components of an invoice, and how to write one for clients.

The differences between net and gross profit (and how to calculate them)

We help to clearly explain the differences between net and gross profit, and how to calculate both net and gross profit. Find out more here…

What is Vendor Finance?

If you’ve got a long-standing relationship with your supplier, there’s a chance you could benefit from vendor finance to pay directly for goods and services.

6 ways to access free business legal advice in the UK

If you’ve got a quick legal question, where can you turn for free business advice in the UK? Here are 6 ways you can get free legal advice.

Everything you need to know about Green Finance

Capalona can help provide information on Green Finance, Green investing and the importance of a Green Finance Strategy in 2023.

What are debentures, how do they work and do you need one?

If you’ve tried to wrap your head around debentures and ended up more confused, you’re not alone. Debentures can be difficult to understand.

11 ways you can protect your company from insolvency

Cash flow is the downfall of many businesses, don’t let yours be one of them. Here’s how you can protect your business.

Valentine's Day for businesses: Marketing tips and ideas

Although the number of people out there celebrating Valentine’s Day has decreased in the last year, the Brits who are celebrating are spending around £23 per person on the romantic holiday. So there’s still some serious cash to be made.

New Year's business objectives and goals for SMEs in 2025

The New Year has arrived! Now is a great time to start thinking about what you want to achieve this year. Here are some business goals for SMEs to consider.

How to get free business debt advice for your SME

Business debt is worrying and if you’re kept up at night because of money worries, these resources can help you find a way through.

How to switch your business bank account

Switching your business bank account to a brand new one can mean better interest rates, useful benefits and better customer experience. So why, then, do many businesses put it off? Because it seems like a hassle you just don’t need.

How to stop employees from stealing your clients

You’ve worked hard to convert new clients into loyal customers, but what happens if one of your employees leaves taking a valued client or member of staff with them?

How to survive your first year in business

Whilst many businesses indeed fail in the first year, this doesn’t have to happen to you. See here for tips on how to survive your first year in business.

A guide to handling unpaid invoices for small businesses

You probably keep reading about how cash flow is the lifeblood of any business - and it’s true, it is. You need working capital to run a business. Late payments kill 50,000 small businesses and cost the UK economy £2.5bn each year.

How to write a business plan

According to Barclays, only 47% of small businesses in the UK have a formal business plan in place that is written down or recorded.

How much does it cost to start a business in the UK?

You’re considering starting a business, which means doing something you love, the ability to set your working hours (excusing yourself from the dreaded 9-5), and financial freedom.

How to effectively work from home

See our top tips for how to effectively manage your time working from home. All of our tips are available for you to takeaway here!

10 ways you can lower your business energy costs

Saving money when you’re operating and growing a small business in the UK is the number one priority for many business owners. According to Bionic, the average business electricity bill per year can be as much as £3,146 for a medium-sized business

Should employers allow employees to work from home?

Are employees happier and more productive when they work from home? We take a look at whether your team should be in the office instead.

Everything you need to know about Crowdfunding

We take a look at what crowdfunding means, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to have a successful crowdfunding strategy.

The importance of customer reviews and how to get them

According to Testimonial Engine, 72% of customers don’t take action until they have read reviews.

What is a personal guarantee - and do you need one?

If you’re a company director in the UK looking for a cash injection to help you grow your business, you’re not alone. According to Finder.com, 27% of SMEs taking part in the British Business Bank survey 2018 reported being financed by loans.

Business credit score: How to check and improve your company credit report

Running a business can be draining, both emotionally and financially. And when you’ve got nothing else to give financially, you might start looking into business funding and financing options to help support the growth of your company.

Looking for your first office space? Tips for businesses

Alongside attracting new clients and customers, finding an office space that works for your business and its employees (while not costing the earth!) is crucial to run your business effectively.

The state of new business: births, deaths & motivation

Are you thinking of starting your own business? Congratulations, it’s an exciting time! This piece will help you understand what the market for new business looks like from 2018 and explores the industries that continue to flourish in the UK.

Simple money-saving tips for your small business

Regardless of how well your business is performing, you should always keep an eye on cost-cutting measures for your small business.

How to convert visitors through your website

It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, whether they’ll stay or leave.

Shoestring marketing budget? No worries, 9 ideas to trial

As a small business, it’s only right that you see fit to spend what little budget you have on business-related expenses. It’s evident that marketing might not fit into the top ten things to spend your money on.

How to recruit the best employees for your small business

How can you attract and recruit these job seekers into your small business? And, most importantly, how can you retain them?

How to generate B2B leads on LinkedIn

If you’re in the B2B industry but unsure how to make lead generation on LinkedIn work for you, discover new ways to generate leads on LinkedIn here.

Juggling childcare when you're self-employed - is it doable?

With the ever-increasing cost of childcare looming over the heads of working parents, can becoming self-employed help ease the struggle?

Yearning for self-employment? 10 viable business ideas for 2025

Be your own boss. Here are 10 of the very best small business ideas for 2025 that will cost little, or absolutely nothing to start up.

7 easy ways to generate PR for your small business

A strong public relations strategy is a way to get your name out there & take your business to the next level. Follow our PR ideas for small businesses here.

7 top tips for scaling up your business

Scaling your business can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. Learn how to effectively grow and scale your business by following our tips here.

How to protect intellectual property in business

It's so easy to overlook your intellectual property when you're a startup. Even companies who've been in business for a while but are scaling up can easily forget just how important it is to protect yourself and your business

Do I need a bookkeeper or an accountant?

Starting a business comes with a lengthy to-do list, not to mention the massively distracting and time-consuming bookkeeping, tax, and accounting. So, which one is best for your business, Accountant or bookkeeper?

How to cope with running your own business

Running a business is rarely smooth sailing & can be stressful at times. Follow our tips on managing a business successfully & remember why it’s worth it.

5 Easy Social Media Hacks for Your Small Business

Social media is an invaluable tool for any small business. Discover our top social media tips and tricks that will take your business to the next level.

FSB wants to award best businesses across the UK

Small businesses are starting to gain recognition for their achievements and it's being welcomed with open arms.

Merchant Accounts Explained

If you’re planning on taking payment via debit or credit cards within your business then there's no doubt about it, you’re going to need a business merchant account. So, what exactly is one and why do you need it?