Electric and gas is essential for hundreds and thousands of businesses across the UK. We’ve put together a cool infographic from reliable data sources highlighting some important business energy statistics.
According to the survey, only 56% of UK businesses have ever switched their energy supplier, the remaining 44% have never considered switching away from their existing provider – that’s nearly half!
Businesses look at a number of areas when looking to switch provider, the most important factor is price (54%), followed by customer service, reputation, trust and last on their list is the speed of switching (13%).
On average, businesses spend 18% of their overall costs on energy with only technology and employee outgoings beating it. The smallest cost being premises at 11%. Overall, energy is the 3rd most expensive outgoing for UK businesses.
From the survey, it seems that businesses are split when it comes to energy promotions. Only 52% of business said yes but the remaining 48% who said no, are not bothered at all about incentives such as special offers or rewards.
There are plenty of ways business can save on outgoings. With energy bills in the top 3 of business spends, switching provider could be a good start to help save on your costs.